Event box
Spring Music Series - Áine Minogue
The library is happy to host accomplished harpist Áine Minogue for a performance of Celtic music on Sunday, May 19th. Born and raised in Borrisokane, County Tipperary, Ireland, Áine Minogue is an award-winning harpist, singer, arranger and composer who has entertained Presidents and Prime Ministers and traveled extensively to perform at concerts across the United States and around the world. With a dozen solo album recordings to her credit, Áine has been nominated for several awards for her work as a record producer.
The Spring Concert Series hosted by the 21st Century Foundation, will run select Sundays from March 10 through May 19 with performances in the Community Meeting Room. Performances will run for one hour and will be held at 3PM.
The concert series features musicians performing a range of genres. For more information visit the library's events calendar. This series is generously funded by the Westwood Public Library's 21st Century Fund.
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